My February Statement


Nuril Basri
 © Keanuril Basreeves, 2024 

My February statement:

I had had enough of being obsessed. Overtly passionate about something, someone, anything, all the time: That was me. Madly trying hard, I lost my face too many times. 

In a life full of a karmic circle, I used to have faith: if we try hard enough, we will bear fruit. 

I didn't realize I was planting a stone. How foolish. A blind fate. 

I had had enough of that. To try is a cool thing. But when I start feeling I'm trying too hard, then I know I'm just waiting for the flower to bloom out of a pebble: It will not happen.

My statement is that: 

I will return all the love you gave me, the same amount.

This is the year where I'm waiting for magic. Magic happens when our stars collide, and so we are lucky enough.

Only magic, not trying too hard. 
